This is a collection of the most frequently asked questions we receive. Please take a few moments to glance through these to see if they address any questions you may have. If you still have questions after reviewing these, please contact our support team here.

Can you make a custom art print that features my dog?

Yes, we are able to do custom dog art prints based on your dog. We just need a good picture of your dog to get started. If you are interested in a custom print, please contact us here.

How quickly will my print be delivered after ordering?

It typically takes 7 - 10 days for your print to arrive once your order is placed. Once you complete your order, we will get started on your print right away. Within 3 or 4 days you will receive a shipping tracking link so you can monitor shipping progress.

Will my print be ready to hang right out of the box?

Yes, all prints are ready to hang right out of the box. No additional hardware is required.

What is your return policy?

If you would like to return your print for any reason, you may do so for a full refund of your purchase price as long as your refund request is initiated within 30 days of receiving delivery of your print. To initiate a return, please contact us here.

Where is your company located?

Our office is located in Sioux Falls, South Dakota. Our printing facility is located in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania - this is the location from which your prints will ship.

How can I purchase a print to be shipped to somebody else?

During the checkout process you will be given the option to include separate information for the shipping address and for the payment details. To ship a print to somebody else, simply enter their name and address as the shipping details and the print will be delivered to that address.

Do you offer any discounts or bulk deals?

We run sales from time to time, and you will seem them promoted on the website if a sale is happening. We also offer bulk deals if you are interested in purchasing 5 or more prints. If you're interested in purchasing 5 or more prints at one time (and having them all shipped to the same address), please contact us here.

Does your company use AI to produce art?

Yes, we use AI tools to aid in the production of many of our designs.

How are prints packaged and shipped?

Prints are carefully wrapped in bubble wrap and packaged in a flat cardboard box. Items are then shipped by either FedEx, UPS or USPS. You will receive a shipping tracking confirmation within a few days of placing your order.

What materials are used to manufacture your prints?

Our canvas prints are manufactured with a high quality polycotton canvas material stretched over solid pine stretcher bars. Every part of your print is assembled by hand in our Pittsburgh facility before being shipped to you.

How do your art prints hang on the wall?

Canvas prints all come with a sawtooth hanger on the back of the print. This allows for easily hanging on a single nail.

Contact Paw Prints Support Team

Do you still have any questions?

Click the "contact us" button below and follow the steps to send an email to our support team.

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